Faculty Invitations
- Hyderabad Live 2015, Hyderabad,India.
- 14th ICCCON 2014, Tirupati, India.
- 11nth Geriatric society of India Conference, (GSICON), Nagpur, 2014.
- 10th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS)-Antalaya,Turkey ( March 2014)
- NIC midterm meet –(Calcutta 2013).
- Invited as a speaker at BIT's 4th Annual International Conference of Cardiology, Guangazou, China (Dec 2012).
- 8th Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutic Conference (AICT), Gurgaon (Oct 2012).
- 4The Asia Pacific Vascular Interventional Course (APVIC-4) , June 2012.
- 2012- Live Symposium of Complex Coronary and Vascular Cases, New York.
- “Best Cardiovascular Practices – 2012”, New Delhi.
- Angioplsty Summit-TCTAP 2012, Seoul,Korea.
- Angioplasty Summit-TCTAP 2011, Seoul,Korea.
- AMI course-2011, Medanta, Medicity, Gurgaon, India.
- Foundation i-4, 2011, International Summit On Imaging and Intervention In Cardiology, Katowice, Poland.
- 2010- Live Symposium of Complex Coronary and Vascular Cases, New York.
- 6th Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutic Conference (AICT), Bangkok Thailand (April 2009).
- 4th Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutic Conference (AICT), Bangkok Thailand (April 2007).