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Research & Publication
Book Published
  • Kumar A, Jain A.K
    Current Perspectives in Cardiology
    (Proceedings of 52 ndCardiological Society of India Conference-2000 Chennai, India.)

  • Garg P, Jain A, Kumar A, Chugh R
    Surgical pulmonary embolectomy for submassive pulmonary embolism: a case report and review of literature
    Indian J ThoracCardiovasc Surg. December 2012, Volume 28,(4);245-248
  • Bali H. K, Bhargava M., Jain A.,Sharma B.K
    De-novo Stenting of Descending thoracic Aorta in Takayasu's Arteritis:intermediate term follow up results.
    J InvasCardiol. 2000; 12: 612-617
  • Sharma B.K, Jain S, Bali H.K, Jain A., Kumari S.
    A follow up study of balloon angioplasty and de novo stenting in Takayasu Arteritis.
    Int. J. Cardiol.2000; 75 (Suppl): S147-152.
  • Bali H.K, Jain A.K.
    Takayasu's Arteritis - current status of angioplasty and stenting.
    Asian Cardiovasc and Thorac Ann 1999; 7(4): 339 – 344.
  • Jain A. K, Bali H. K.
    Stenting for middle aortic syndrome.
    Heart 1999; 82:536
  • Bali H. K, Bhargava M, Jain A. K, ManojR,Bhatta Y.K.
    De novo Coronary Artery Stenting in Dextrocardia with Acute Coronary Syndrome.
    Indian Heart J. 1999; 51: 541-544
  • Bali H.K, Jain S, Jain A. K, Sharma B.K.
    Stent supported angioplasty in Takayasu Arteritis.
    Int. J. Cardiol. 1998; 66 (Suppl): S213-217.
  • Bali H.K, Jain A.K.
    Takayasu's Arteritis- What's new? (Review article) Cardiology Today.
    1998; (2): 256-260.
  • Bali H. K, Bhargava M, Jain A. K, S Banerjee, Singh S,Jain S, Sharma B. K.
    De novo Carotid Artery Stenting in Symptomatic Patients with Carotid artery stenosis: Intermediate term results.
    Indian Heart J. 1999; 51: A 181
  • Bali H. K, Bhargava M, Jain A. K, Banerjee S, Khalid M, BahlA,Sharma B. K
    Single Stage Global Revascularisation in Takayasu Arteritis.
    Indian Heart J.1999; 51: A 394
  • Bali H. K, Bhargava M, Banerjee S, Jain A. K.
    Immediate and long term Angiographic results of de novo stenting of chronic total occlusion of Subclavian arteries.
    Indian Heart J. 1999; 51: A 363
  • Bali H. K, Verma S, Jain A. K, Kumari S, Reddy G. R, Ramesh G.
    Mitral Stenosis in Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome.
    Indian Heart J. 1997; 49: A 657

Chapters Contributed
  • Sharma S, Jain AK
    Fibrinolytics or Primary Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction.
    In Gupta SB eds: Medicine Update, 2002, Volume 12, Association of Physicians of India, pp 48-55.
  • Sharma S, Jain AK
    Natural history of NonspecificAorto-arteritis.
    In M Panjaeds:NonspecificAorto - arteritis ( Takayasu's Arteritis), 2001, pp 155-159 .
  • Sharma S, Jain AK
    Total Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS), inhibition in the treatment of heart failure.
    In Dutta AL eds: Cardiology Update - 2001, 53rdAnnual Conference of Cardiological Society of India, pp 24-32.
  • Kumar A, Jain A.K
    Changing profile of infective endocarditis.
    In Dutta AL eds ;Cardiology Update –2001, 53rdAnnual Conference of Cardiological Society of India, pp 56-59 .
  • Kumar A, Jain A.K
    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Recent advances in the medical management.
    In Panja M eds. : Medicine Update-2001. Association of Physicians of India, pp596-602, 2001
  • Kumar A, Jain A.K
    Acute Coronary Syndromes: Medical Management.
    In Kumar A, Jain A K eds.: Current Perspectives in Cardiology. Cardiological Society of India. pp 4 – 13, 2000
  • Kumar A, Jain A.K
    Protection Devices in Percutaneous Interventions.
    In Kaul U, Sudan D eds.: Coronary Interventions-2000. pp 127-134,2000 (Proceedings of International Summit on Coronary Interventions, Nairobi, Kenya, August 2000).

  • Jain A. K
    Balloon angioplasty and de-novo stenting in Takayasu Arteritis - a short term and six month follow-up study.
    Chandigarh, India : PGIMER, 1998 (D. M.) Thesis.
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