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Case Study
  • “Shifting thrombus” - Hyderabad Live 2015, Hyderabad 2015
  • I don’t know what struck me-a case of ANAPHYLAXIS during PTCA at 10th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS), Antalaya, Turkey 2014
  • Resistant thrombus - INDIA LIVE 2014 at Delhi,India
  • Bifurcation- rotastent of heavily calcified LM in a patient with severe LV systolic dysfunction - INDIA LIVE 2013 at Chennai, India
  • Failed rota-successful balloon angioplasty in heavily calcified RCA - NIC mid term meet at Calcutta 2013
  • “Guttered”- case of rotational atherectomy complicated by rotational atherectomy bias - 10th Endovascular complication course-2012,Dusseldorf, Germany
  • Heavily calcified proximal and mid LAD-case of complex rota-stenting - AsiaPCRSingLive course-2012, Singapore
  • Through the rocks - A case of rotational atherectomy complicated by coronary perforation- 9th Endovascular complication course-2011,Lausanne,Switzerland
  • Never Say Die - a case of left main PCI in a patient having sustained cardiac arrest- 9th Endovascular complication course-2011,Lausanne, Switzerland
  • PCI on unprotected left main in cardiogenic shock - AMI course-Feb 2011,Gurgaon, India
  • 2 cases on PCI of critical left main disease - 22nd Left main course-August 2010, Seoul Korea
  • Iatrogenic left main dissection extending into LCx and LAD/D1 - successful bail out 7th Coronary complication course-2009,Lausanne,Switzerland
  • All stent thrombosis-? antiplatelet drug resistance - 7th Coronary complication course-2009,Lausanne,Switzerland
  • Simultaneous Kissing Stent (SKS) technique’ for management of distal left main disease. Euro PCR-2004, Paris. France.
  • De novo stenting of Thoracic Aorta in Takayasu's arteritis- Initial experience. At 49th Annual Conference of Cardiological Society of India. 1997, Calcutta.
Timing : 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM     |      For Appointment Call : +91 - 8130173300     |      Online Consultation via Skype : anshuldr